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Filmmaker  |  Actor  |  Writer


Carlo is an award winning filmmaker based in San Francisco, California.

Latest work


A 6-part documentary series


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The 43-Masonic Line

44mn / 2024

The 43-line will take you on a  crosstown trip through the exclusive neighborhoods by Mt Davidson and Edgehill Mountain to Presidio Park and the Marina district.

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The 37-Corbett Line

36mn / 2024

From the legendary Haight-Ashbury neighborhood to Twin Peaks, the 37-Corbett line will take us along some of San Francisco's most colorful and scenic neighborhoods.

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The 18-46th Avenue Line

42mn / 2023

This video takes us to the western part of San Francisco and into the rich history of the Sunset and Richmond districts along the 18-46th Avenue line.

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The 39-Coit Line

35mn / 2023

From San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf to  North Beach and Telegraph Hill with a stop at Coit Tower, the 39-Coit bus line takes us along one of the most scenic neighbohoods in the city.

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